Tell me, fellow Traveller; beloved kin;
do the stars still sing my praises?

hello there! welcome to my homepage.

you can call me Sly or Chris. i am 23yrs old, nonbinary, and an amateur artist and writer. i've drawn and written things for most of my life, but rarely have the energy to actually hone my skills consistently, so, yknow.

this site was created as a means of getting away from social media, if only a little bit. here, i aim to talk about anything and everything that i think is cool, and just generally do whatever i want.

i'll admit that i wasn't around back in the OLD-old days; i'm just young enough to have been too small to be on the internet then. this is my first ever trip into website-making, and was also my breach into properly learning html and css.
but i do remember the old-ish days, the younger days of youtube and being able to customize your account page, deviantart and posting my childish scrawlings without a care in the world, the chatroom games where people would park their avatars in whimiscal digital rooms and do nothing else but talk for hours and hours. actually using public forums instead of sweeping basic information away into random discord servers and demanding to join them in order to get said information...

it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, of course. but nothing ever truly is. and i miss it. in having this little corner of the world wide web for myself, i hope to take back and keep even a tiny piece of those times.


can't wait to start making some actual progress..

gave the site a little makeover and cleanup; biggest changes being the navigation div is now an iframe for easier editing and the greeting on the index has been rewritten.

the absol shrine also has rounded corners like all the other pages now. no idea how that snuck past me for so long....


mofs have been given more marking, wing, and antennae options.


added a few more barebones profiles to OCs and rearranged some stuff in graphics ever so slightly so that the things i made are a bit more visually separated from the others.

you may have also noticed some new friends out and about; don't worry, they're harmless. feel free to hang out with them in the garden!


no big changes this time; just finally added more than one lad to the OCs section. after....several weeks..
i have plenty more to add, still, but that would be best done...later. OTL


new section added; original characters. right now i've only got the one single solitary boi on there, but i hope to cobble together at least basic profiles for some others over the next few days.

'but Sly,' i hear you say, 'don't you already have a toyhouse account to put OC information on?'

and the answer to that is;
but spending a couple of days coding a page to put on my website is more fun.


to be perfectly honest, i've had the bones for plushies done for...weeks now. that's about as far as it's gotten since then, though; only some of them have pictures, and even fewer have notes about them, which i would ideally have pics + notes for all of them.

i'm tired of just staring at the file as it is, though, so it goes up technically half-finished for right now. it will gradually be updated over time, of course.


hiii, long time no see. i've literally just been playing games. that's it, that's the reason for my absence.

minor tweaks made to both homepage and landing, mostly on the backend.
also made the images in crystals MUCH smaller, so that page shouldn't take nearly as long to load as it once did.

the next section i would like to work on is plushies, and i'm also getting ideas for a more general photography section, as well.
when will i actually get around to doing either of those things? who knows!


layout has been updated to version 2.0.

pages are no longer consolidated in one file, but that does mean i can now add a bit of unique flair to each one, if i so desire. (and i do!)
i'm sure there's some way to merge them that allows for in-depth customization between each one, but i feel like any methods to do so would be way over my head right now so i'm just not going to worry about it.

regardless, i am much more in love with this layout than the first, so it'll probably stay for a while.


pokemon section has been added to interests.
all of my previous pokemon talk is, and from now on will be, neatly situated over there now.


hiii. i've been replaying soulsilver lately.

scroll down in the index to read me ramble about that and pokemon in general for approximately ten thousand words.


remember how i said i wasn't messing with js right now? i lied. a little bit.

thanks to a simple script, the html files that made up this space are now combined into one.

i plan to make the same edits to my petz fansite at some point as well.


crystals section has been added to interests.

comment widget, courtesy of virtual observer, has been added to index.


homepage is now online.